
how i work

As a graphic designer, I am passionate about creating designs that embody simplicity, empathy, and boldness. My creative principles revolve around turning complex ideas into visually compelling designs that are easily understood and resonate with audiences. With a keen eye for minimalist aesthetics and a dedication to clarity, I strive to create designs that cut through the noise and leave a lasting impression. Whether it's through clean layouts, sleek typography, or striking imagery, I believe good graphic design can communicate with clarity and conviction.


Freelance Graphic Designer
Brisbane, QLD & Remote

Looking for mid to senior graphic design roles!

get in touch



Software & OS
Adobe Creative Suite, Microsoft Word & PowerPoint, Figma, Microsoft & Apple OS's.

Print, Digital, UI, Branding & Identities, Layout Design (long & short form), Photo Editing, Social Media Graphics, Pre-Press, Final Art, Motion Graphics (short), Video Editing, Events.

Attention to detail, organised, tidy documents & design files, good time management, quick worker, reliable, adaptable, fast learner, proactive, honest, principled.

actually important stuff

I play video games (currently on Echoes of the Plum Grove  & Baldur's Gate 3), watch TV & Movies (mostly fantasy, sci-fi, and comedy, good or bad), and read books (currently the Mistborn series - no spoilers!).

Top 5 favourite movies (not necessarily in this order and subject to change): Lilo & Stitch, Supertroopers, Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring, Serenity, Constantine.

Top 5 favourite TV shows (not necessarily in this order and subject to change): Firefly, Brooklyn Nine-Nine, K-ON, Stargate SG:1, Critical Role (Campaign 2).

I don't like music that much, unless it tells me a story or connects to a visual or memory (like movie soundtracks).

All my dreams are adventures, even my 'nightmares'.

I recently bought a house and got a dog - Pepper, the Mini Fox Terrier.

I would do anything for family and friends.

I hate having photos taken.

When I'm in the mood I paint miniatures, draw digitally, build Lego, and cross-stitch/sew.